05 January 2008

Death is nothing at all...

Nobody looks at me anymore.
I cant expect them to, either. Why should they?
What do I bring to the table?
Apparently, nothing.
I suppose I excepted it to change. I expected someone to learn something from tragedy.
That didn't happen. At least, not for long.
I must be vile, some horrible thing from the dregs of daughters and sisters.
Why does it matter so much?
There are other people who would, who do give me the time of day.
For some reason, these two matter so much more to me, and I matter so little to them.
In comparison to the woman placed on the pedestal, who's always been held in such high regard...
I just don't measure up.
I never have, and I never will.
The questions is...
Do they need to learn to accept this truth?
...Or do I?

Isn't a new year supposed to bring changes for the better?
This one seems like it's bringing them for worse.

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